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Best Software Recommendations for Accessing the Internet

MAWISNU.COM - Software to Access the Internet  - In this digital era, the internet has a very important role in everyday life. Almost all activities require the internet, whether for personal needs, education to entertainment, all require the internet or network.

As you know, the internet is the largest computer network in the world. Almost everyone in the world uses the internet, either through computers or  smartphones  . As a result, almost all activities are made easier thanks to the internet.

Even though you already have a device to access the internet such as a computer or  smartphone  , you still can't access the internet just like that. There are still other components or requirements to be able to connect to the internet, namely software to access the internet.

The Best Software to Access the Internet

There are some crucial software or software that is very important and must be owned by Sobat Bintang when accessing the internet. The software is divided into two parts, namely Operating System and Application Software.

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Operating System (Operating System)

The first software that must be owned to be able to access the internet is an operating system. Yes, an operating system is software that must be installed by all  users  , so that the device can work and operate optimally.

As the name suggests, an operating system is software that is developed and installed on a computer to help with operational functions.

Additional Application Software

Application software is an application program that has activities for certain commands. In this case, it is to access the internet. The application software needed is as follows:

1. Web Browser

After you install the operating system on your device, first make sure that the operating system can run as it should. After that, what is needed next is a web browser.

A web browser is a software or application that is very crucial and needed so that Sobat Bintang can access the internet. A web browser is one of the most important components in this regard.

Later, Sobat Bintang will use this application to surf and search for various information on the internet. With a web browser, Sobat Bintang can feel the internet connection to the maximum. Where the internet network can be used to dig up information and many other activities ranging from communication, social to education and economy.

Web browsers also have several types that are equipped with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular web browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari Browser and also Internet Explorer. Here is more information.

Google Chrome

One of the most famous and widely used web browsers is Google Chrome. This software was first released on September 2, 2008 and was made as a beta version for Microsoft Windows.

This application is very much in demand by most  users  because  of its light size. That way, the device's performance will not be burdened and will remain smooth.

In addition, the minimalist and simple design and appearance are also one of the attractions for Google Chrome for both beginners and old users. More importantly, Google Chrome is currently the most resistant web browser to hacker attacks because of its very strong security system.


The next software to access the internet is Opera. Opera is also one of the quite popular Web Browsers. This software is also a cross-platform software that is specifically designed to surf the internet quickly.

Even the latest version of Opera has introduced a platform with the latest technology, namely Opera Unite, which allows Star Friends to share files and stream music directly through the browser.

This web browser is the result of the development of Opera Software which is based in Oslo, Norway.

Mozilla Firefox

In addition to Chrome and Opera, another widely used and popular web browser among internet users is Mozilla Firefox. This software is cross-platform, open and free, developed by the Mozilla Foundation with hundreds of volunteers.

Even though its popularity is still below Chrome, the Mozilla Firefox web browser is still in great demand and has succeeded in ranking second in the world as the web browser with the most users.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a software for accessing the internet which was first released in 1995 as part of the Plus add-on package for Windows 95.


Safari is software for accessing the internet developed by Apple and released on January 7, 2003. Entering the end of 2009, Safari had a 4.46% market share according to the Net Applications survey.

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2. Search Engine

It is a special computer program used to help  users  search for files stored on WWW (World Wide Web) services or  newsgroups  on a number of computer server networks.

Similar to web browsers, search engines also have several types of applications, where each software has the same way of working. Sobat Bintang only needs to enter a keyword or key word and press the Enter button on the search engine.

There are several types of search engines, namely:

Google (  )

Almost all internet users definitely use Google as their mainstay  search engine  . Until now, Google is still nicknamed "The King of Search Engine" in the world. Google is the most popular and widely accessed search engine to find all the information needed.

The information that Sobat Bintang can get is images, files, website addresses, sites, news and many more. Just by entering keywords and pressing the Enter button, then Sobat Bintang can get answers automatically from Google.

Bing  (  )

Bing is a reincarnation by Microsoft of the three search engines it previously produced, namely Windows Live Search, Live Search and also MSN Search.

Yahoo!  (  )

Yahoo! Search is the largest search engine after Google. This search engine has a free email facility that allows users to search for information in various categories. Such as news, websites, images, audio and also video.

3. Software Utilities

It is software designed to help users in performing configurations (settings), analysis processes, computer maintenance or optimization, the existence of which is very necessary as a prevention if an error occurs on the device.

Software utilities include:

  1. Anti Malware: Nis, Comodo internet security, Bit defender Internet security.
  2. Anti Virus: Mc Afee, AVG, Norton Anti Virus, Bit Defender, Avira and also Kaspersky.
  3. Email Client Software

It is software that functions to receive and send e-mails via devices without a browser. Such as:

  1. Yahoo Mail.
  2. Google Mail.
  3. Microsoft Office Out Look.
  4. Microsoft Outlook Express.
  5. Mozilla Thunderbird.

Well, some of the components above are software to access the internet that Sobat Bintang needs. Without one of these components, Sobat Bintang cannot surf the internet.

Therefore, these three components must be available and ready  .

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